Physical Organs Natural Senses Spiritual Organs Spiritual Senses
Eyes Sight 7 Spirits of God Lights
Skin Touch Perfected Love Innocence
Tongue Taste Tongues Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit
Nose Smell Purity Soundness
Ear Sound Meekness Understanding Heart

Physical Activities:( MR. NIGER-biology textbook) Spiritual Activities: 7 Pillars of Wisdom (Pastor Olubi Johnson)
Reproduction The fear of God Expressed in Honesty and Humility of Heart
Irritability/ Sensitivity Praying in the Spirit with all types of prayer
Excretion Washing of feet and Binding the Devil
Nutrition Speaking/Confessing the Scriptures
Growth Meditation in the Word
Movement Doing the Word
Respiration Fasting and praying and living a fasted life
Search the Lentile Bible Thesaurus

Sample Verse

II Corinthians 3:15


Matthew 5:13

Psalm 119:162

1 John 1:9.


Isaiah 12:3

Psalms 19:10

Song of Solomon 7:8

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About Lentiles Annotated Bible Version (LABV)

On behalf of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, The Bishop and Shepherd of our souls, I Welcome You to this Website, Here we will be studying and praying scriptures looking for the mercy and grace of God unto eternal life, to find out the knowledge of wisdom hidden therein, This is an unexploited tableland in Christian experience as I speak, God has given us the promised land to go in to possess it and God will be helping us to unravel this via showing us how scriptures connect as we know in him (THE WORD) are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge and we are complete in him.

Colossians 2:3. I have tasted of the fruit of the land it is so, so good. Oh! taste and see that the Lord is good Psalm 34:8, To acquire this knowledge we must acquire Christ Intelligence and “The ability of the mind of Christ” to be able to find the knowledge of wisdom hidden in scriptures.

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